boreal phoenix

The Boreal Phoenix is ​​a rare species of phoenix that is said to act as a bridge between our world and that of the heavens. It appears to humans only in the presence of the Northern Lights, which it pursues to feed on energy from the solar winds.

Like all phoenixes, the boreal phoenix originated in Arabia and was linked to the cult of the Sun in the city of Heliopolis in Egypt, where it is venerated. The specificity of the Phoenix borealis is its predominant green color which recalls those of the polar auroras. It is a bird endowed with great longevity and is characterized by its power to be reborn from its ashes after being consumed in the flames. There is only one Boreal Phoenix at a time, and a specimen can live for hundreds of years before being reborn.

According to legend, the Boreal Phoenix protects lost souls by capturing them and bringing them to the afterlife. Any human who crosses him is able to communicate with the dead … that is why, several men and women are in pursuit of him in order to speak with their deceased loved ones.