Mythic calls on the talents of its creators to imagine
a world of mythical creatures and legends from different
cultures and mythologies from all over the world. The letters ICR stand for Imagination,
Creation and Rarity, because in the mythical universe, each creature has its
own rarity, born of an imagination specific to the artist and propelled by a
discretionary creative medium.

These artworks are printed on uniquely designed garments showcasing the creature, their avatar and the creator.

Our Creatures...

Millennial Dragon

The Millennial Dragon is the oldest of all, the wisest and a
exceptional knowledge. Also called Guardian of the World and the Dragon King, it is the
Dragon to be wary of. He embodies the supremacy of his race and makes it
a strategic ally or a formidable adversary for those who want to confront it.
Its reptilian and avian origins give it this appearance
ancestral and explain its camouflage and volatility abilities. THE
legends tell that it inhabits the Mediterranean coasts, but its range
nesting site would be the Strait of Gibraltar. This place is the very relic of the
scar from the tectonic tearing of the first continent Pangea, at the
Triassic period 200 Ma ago. Period when the first specimens would be
appeared, following the withdrawal of the Thetys Sea.
His Mother, his origin.

Sand Dancer Dragon

The Sand Dancer Dragon is in perpetual motion and amazes with its elegance and control. It is also called Gobi Dragon, since it exclusively inhabits one of the largest deserts in the world, the Gobi Desert. This large desert basin with a semi-arid climate is confined by the Altai mountains, the Mongolian steppe, the Tibetan plateau and the plain of northern China. Its homeland is the Nemegt basin, also called "Valley of the Dragons", located in the northwestern part of the desert. These fossilized ancestors are observed there.

This carnivorous dragon uses a vast hunting territory and moves by following and molding itself to the perpetual movement of the dunes, hence its name Sand Dancer. The friction of its fur on the sand also creates sparks of friction which offers a dazzling spectacle... for anyone who can get close enough to observe it. Its ability to fold up and move while rolling allows it to survive strong winds, scorching summer heat and freezing winter cold.

The Gobi desert is an impassable space if one is not equipped to face the climatic conditions, the physical constraints of the landscape... but also its Dragons.



boreal phoenix

The Boreal Phoenix is ​​a rare species of phoenix that is said to act as a bridge between our world and that of the heavens. It appears to humans only in the presence of the Northern Lights, which it pursues to feed on energy from the solar winds.

Like all phoenixes, the boreal phoenix originated in Arabia and was linked to the cult of the Sun in the city of Heliopolis in Egypt, where it is venerated. The specificity of the Phoenix borealis is its predominant green color which recalls those of the polar auroras. It is a bird endowed with great longevity and is characterized by its power to be reborn from its ashes after being consumed in the flames. There is only one Boreal Phoenix at a time, and a specimen can live for hundreds of years before being reborn.

According to legend, the Boreal Phoenix protects lost souls by capturing them and bringing them to the afterlife. Any human who crosses him is able to communicate with the dead … that is why, several men and women are in pursuit of him in order to speak with their deceased loved ones.

Porcelain Unicorn

The Porcelain Unicorn is a unique and spectacular creature. She offers her protection with her powers of purification, healing and resurrection. But its particularity is its porcelain skin which when bruised, scars itself by a fusion of gold drawn from the bowels of the Earth.
The discovery of this Porcelain Unicorn would have occurred in the Far East, since its healing mechanism would, according to legend, have inspired Kintsugi, an art that emerged from Japan 400 years ago. This art, the Kintsugi, consists of repairing and embellishing broken or imperfect porcelain and ceramic pieces using golden pigments.
For the Porcelain Unicorn, each golden filament is unique and has its own story. The legend says that this healing process would have appeared following his meeting with an Alchemist of the Middle Ages who would have transmitted this power to him in exchange for the resurrection of his eldest daughter, drowned in the East China Sea.
The encounter with this Porcelain Unicorn is always an exceptional, enriching and positive event. This occurrence remains extremely rare, even if there are many throughout the world and Eastern peoples, to pursue this quest.

Our clothes are...

  • 100% Cotton

  • Wash-resistant

  • Unique design

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