Millennial Dragon

The Millennial Dragon is the oldest of all, the wisest and a
exceptional knowledge. Also called Guardian of the World and the Dragon King, it is the
Dragon to be wary of. He embodies the supremacy of his race and makes it
a strategic ally or a formidable adversary for those who want to confront it.
Its reptilian and avian origins give it this appearance
ancestral and explain its camouflage and volatility abilities. THE
legends tell that it inhabits the Mediterranean coasts, but its range
nesting site would be the Strait of Gibraltar. This place is the very relic of the
scar from the tectonic tearing of the first continent Pangea, at the
Triassic period 200 Ma ago. Period when the first specimens would be
appeared, following the withdrawal of the Thetys Sea.
His Mother, his origin.