Sand Dancer Dragon

The Sand Dancer Dragon is in perpetual motion and amazes with its elegance and control. It is also called Gobi Dragon, since it exclusively inhabits one of the largest deserts in the world, the Gobi Desert. This large desert basin with a semi-arid climate is confined by the Altai mountains, the Mongolian steppe, the Tibetan plateau and the plain of northern China. Its homeland is the Nemegt basin, also called "Valley of the Dragons", located in the northwestern part of the desert. These fossilized ancestors are observed there.

This carnivorous dragon uses a vast hunting territory and moves by following and molding itself to the perpetual movement of the dunes, hence its name Sand Dancer. The friction of its fur on the sand also creates sparks of friction which offers a dazzling spectacle... for anyone who can get close enough to observe it. Its ability to fold up and move while rolling allows it to survive strong winds, scorching summer heat and freezing winter cold.

The Gobi desert is an impassable space if one is not equipped to face the climatic conditions, the physical constraints of the landscape... but also its Dragons.